turnerround comic

The Champions of Law Order and Justice...

Craig Sterling, Richard Barrett and Sharon Macready are endowed with secret powers: qualities and skills, both physical and mental to the peak of human performance. They are The Champions of Law, Order and Justice; Operators of The International Agency of Nemesis.

It all began with Sharon Macready's first assignment alongside fellow agents Craig Sterling and Richard Barrett. Their assignment, to collect and smuggle a live killer bug from a far Eastern Country and bring back to Nemesis. While escaping their plane is hit by machine gun fire and forced to crash-land in the snowbound hills of Tibet. They are badly injured, but an old Tibetan Monk from a lost civilisation rescues them and they undergo revolutionary surgery which heal their wounds. This give the three their special powers, which include telepathy and strength. Only Craig remembers the Monk, but Richard goes alone to find him. After a dangerous climb he finds the Monk and is told more about their special powers. Richard promises to keep their secret and is told by the mysterious old man to find Craig and Sharon because they are in danger. This is when Craig and Richard show the extent of their powers. They destroy the enemy and walk to freedom. Tremayne is amazed how they survived the crash with no food, and in sub-zero temperatures. They tell themselves they must keep their secret from Tremayne and the rest of the world.

The Champions is another great production from Dennis Spooner and Monty Berman. First shown on ITV in 1968, there was thirty, fifty minute episodes produced. I remember watching the first time round and thought it was the best thing I had seen. Great stories with great action. The special power scenes were very good.

My favourite episode is the last one shown: Autokill. Richard is given a brainwashing drug to kill his fellow agent Craig. Excellent fight scene at the end, so powerful with emotion. Directed by the talented Roy Ward Baker.

They chose three great actors to play the parts. Stuart Damon as Craig Sterling, good looking American, is the natural leader of the three. William Gaunt as Richard Barrett, the quiet Englishman, looks calm under pressure. Alexandra Bastedo as Sharon Macready, recently widowed, this beautiful agent is a match for any man.

Craig Sterling, Sharon Macready, Stuart Damon, Alexandro Bastedo. The Champions, Richard Barrett, William Gaunt, Nemesis, Tremayne, Monty Berman.