turnerround comic
Here it is!
A fab website about British comics!
Here is what you have been waiting for - a fantastic website all about British comics from the 1960's and 70's - a fantastic era for comics and comic annuals
Remember some of these great iconic names - Victor, Hotspur, Hornet, Tiger, Lion, TV Tornado, Valiant, Hurricane, Smash, Eagle. I'm sure you have your own favourite.
I will be going through my own personal collection of comics and yearly annuals I collected as a youngster.
Christmas time was a magic time for the yearly comic annual, full of great stories and it was great to see some characters in glorious colour.
Comics have been a way of life for me for over 40 years, they are special and as a youngster my hunger for them was immense; I would do almost any extra chore for the gain of more.
Get ready for a fantastic journey, back into a wonderful era for all young boys growing up in the 60's and 70's.