turnerround comic
His Sporting Lordship
Henry Nobbins, Earl of Ranworth...
His Sporting Lordship first appeared in the first issue of the new look Smash comic from 1969.
Henry Nobbins was working as a labourer on a building site until he was informed he had inherited the title of Earl of Ranworth and five million pounds. But in order to keep his title and get the money, Henry has to achieve the best in all sporting events he is given to undertake, the same as his ancestors, which include winning the Grand National and playing for the winning team in the FA Cup. Henry was ably supported by his butler Jarvis, who was always there to assist his Lordship to undertake the tasks.
But there was his enemies, Mr Parkinson and Fred Bloggs who wanted to take control of Castle Plonkton and would try at all costs to nobble Henry out of achieving his sporting task.
A very funny comic strip which ran for many years and appeared in all the new Smash Annuals regularly on the front cover. The amiable butler Jarvis would try and push Henry to the limit of his patience, with hilarious results.